
H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 缺點/評價/推薦/開箱


音響、影音播放器樂器週邊-喇叭、音箱 開箱搶先玩/心得報告


  • 2012 五月日本全面最新上市
  • 超迷你真空管音箱頭
  • 出力夠,厚實,好聽

  • 同樣的機場 不同世界 同樣的咖啡 不同味覺 同樣的我和我 都少了一些 看飛機劃過天空 不見了 用H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭給我的翅膀飛 我懂這不是傷悲 再高都不會累 我們都說好了
    遠方傳來優惠的消息,讓我只能守著回憶! 有沒有一種優惠,讓我買了永遠不會後悔!!


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    The TubeMeister 5 stands as a testament to the knowledge and passion of Mr. Hughes and Herr Kettner. It transforms your every touch into expressive tone, delivering soulful sound straight from your fingertips. The fully-featured preamp offers a wealth of sonic riches. A flip of the Drive switch is all it takes to go from clean to mean. The power amp sports oversized transformers and a 12BH7 dual triode that operates in push-pull mode. Housed in a single glass envelope, these two tube systems deliver a devastating one-two punch that will rock your tone!

    The fully-featured preamp of the TubeMeister 5 offers a wealth of sonic riches. A flip of the Drive switch is all it takes to go from clean to mean delivers a full five watts of tube tone with plenty of volume for satisfying sessions. And if you need to keep it soft in the studio or make it loud in the rehearsal room or on stage, the Red Box and power-soak are on board to feed true power amp tone straight to the desk.

      創作者 redf219 的頭像


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